Meor Mohamad Zamil, Meor Muhammad Faiz (2019) IMPLEMENTATION OF HYDROPONIC SENSORS AND MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT. [Final Year Project] (Submitted)

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Farming is one of the fundamental inventions that promoted the flourishing or human species
on planet earth. Since many centuries have past, this fundamental invention namely the
conventional way of it has become reverse which is promoting extinction. Conventional
farming has led to many unsustainable acts such as deforestation, heavy use of pesticides and
insecticides, feces as fertilizers, open burning and creation of cities. These acts in turn backfired
resulting in global warming, extreme climate change (drought, flood, hurricanes etc),
exponential rise in human population resulting in consumption of resources over the
replenishing rate, pollution of water sources, diseases spreading such as typhoid and cholera.
The very main reason such occurrence is because of direct interaction of farming with nature.
Farming is not a natural behaviour of an ecosystem (Despommier, 2009). It is a creation of
human beings to increase its survival rate. Hence in a simple mathematical equation, if we
remove farming from nature and put it in a closed system which resembles the nature
ecosystem, we can remove the potential unsustainable acts of farming. The concept of vertical
farming is to remove the factor of farming from nature to undo the bad deeds before it is too
late. This simplistic solution might seem like a dreamer’s solution and appear to be impractical
due to its high costs. To prove that argument disadvantages, this research will show the latest
breakthrough in the agriculture industry in growing plants in a building while acquiring better
results in agriculture end products. Thus, this research will be proposing to construct simplified
miniature farm system that uses hydroponic system and govern by a system using the
Hydroponic Monitoring Application (HMA)

Item Type: Final Year Project
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Departments / MOR / COE: Sciences and Information Technology > Computer and Information Sciences
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi Mohamed Lazim
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2021 13:56
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2021 13:56

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